For most of us, Spring is a time of renewal. However, for community association boards of directors, Spring can be a hectic time of negotiating and implementing landscape contracts, making sure that the community pool is set to open on time, and handling the lawn maintenance violations that weren’t obvious during the winter, among many other tasks. With such a lengthy to-do list, board members can lose sight of the commitment to community that inspired them to volunteer in the first place.
If that is happening to your board, a good means of harnessing the Spring spirit of renewal and reaffirming board members’ commitment to the association is for the board to vote to adopt and abide by the international Community Associations Institute’s Model Code of Ethics for Community Association Board Members. The link to this Model Code can be found here.
The international Community Associations Institute (“CAI”) is a membership organization dedicated to building better community associations and its members include board members, community managers and other professionals serving community associations. CAI’s Code of Ethics provides a basic framework for board members to use in incorporating and considering their ethical commitment to the association. Taking a moment out of your board’s next busy meeting to review the Code of Ethics and vote to adopt and adhere to it can be a great way of refreshing the board’s commitment to acting in the association’s best interest and setting the board up for success in tackling the many projects on its plate for Spring.